Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Check out eFoods Direct for your Food Storage plans

It seems that with all the natural disasters and the poor economy that being prepared for tough times is becoming more and more necessary.  Over a year ago, I had decided that I would try to start some food storage.  I researched foods that I should store and recipes to use those foods, but it was all very overwhelming and I quit.  We already have cattle, chickens for eggs and grow and can/freeze our own vegetables, so I figured we'd at least be okay for a while...but deep down I knew it'd be really nice to be even more prepared, so when I was contacted by eFoods Direct to do a review, I jumped at the opportunity.

eFoods Direct sells premade meals that all you need to do is add water!  How awesome!  I think I'd like these meals just for the days that I don't feel like cooking! ;-)  In all seriousness, though, I like that they take the guesswork out of food storage.  They're all premade quality, nutritious meals, so you don't have to worry about storing 50 different ingredients and making sure you have enough for whatever length of time you'd like to be prepared for...PLUS making sure they're healthy!  They make it easy and give you peace of mind.

While you're waiting for my review, please stop by eFoods Direct and take a look at all the food storage options that they have to offer.  Also take advantage of their specials that they are offering in rememberance of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan a year ago....40% to 50% off! :-)


Alexis AKA MOM said...

You know how I love my meal planning and this sounds like another perfect way to keep us on track!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sounds interesting. I will go over and check them out. I know I need somthing like this.

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