Monday, August 12, 2013

A Birthday Away

Rich went away to California/Nevada, with his parents and grandma, for five days a couple weeks ago to do something special....welcome his brother from Afghanistan!  I think it was probably the most memorable birthday he'll have in a while...especially since his brother came home ON his birthday!
While he was away, the kids and I wanted to show him he were thinking of him...
 ...and make sure he didn't forget what we looked like ;-)

 We're not used to Rich being away on his birthday, but we tried to make it special from our end too.  So, besides texting him the last couple pictures, we had a Chocolate Eclair Cake, pizza, a banner and gifts waiting for him when he came home.  The kids gifts were so cute!  They made him games and activities for him to do with them.  One was a treasure hunt and they had a blast spending some much missed time with Daddy :-)


Debby@Just Breathe said...

It sounds like a perfect way to spend his birthday. I love when soldiers comes home :) Looks like you had an okay celebration without him.

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

Wow, what an amazing way to spend his birthday. It would have been even better if you'd all gotten to be there too, I'm sure! I love that you celebrated his birthday even though he wasn't there. :)
How'd the treasure hunt go??!! Sounds like SO much fun!

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