Friday, August 9, 2013

Movie Mania!

A couple weekends ago, Rich was away on a trip, so the kids kept me company a couple of the nights and the three of us watched movies and slept in the living room.  The kids had worked hard for their 'movie nights' too!  They had to meet a certain number of awards on the IXL program that they use through the school's website to keep up with what they've learned through the summer.

They were more than ready!
And we even had some special treats to go with our movies :-)

This next movie was only four days after our 'movie nights', so I had the kids earn two awards on IXL between the two of them.  (I had originally asked they get two each, but they didn't have a lot of time on the computer with other things we had going on.)  We went to a local theater's summer movie program where they give you the movie ticket, and a kids box (with popcorn, drink and fruit snacks) for $4 each.  Morgan REALLY wanted to see Happy Feet Two!
 Happily waiting to see the movie.

 Since we were out and about for the movie we made a whole day of it and we stopped at Barnes & Noble to get the kids' free books from doing their Summer Reading Program.

Then, Morgan still had a lot of money left on her Toys R Us gift card she won, so they REALLY wanted Rise of the Guardians after the movie night, and they each got a box of Legos...
...that they spent the rest of the day playing with!

 We're working hard at racking up the fun memories this summer!  Less than a month left until school starts!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Looks like a fun time. Did you like the movies? Lego's are so cool!

mail4rosey said...

I'm glad school starts later here than in a lot of places, but it still seems to be going by fast.

Movie night and sleeping in the living room sounds awesome. :)

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

Rise of the Guardians was a fun movie. :) Haven't seen the other 2 though. lol
I had no idea Barnes & Noble did a summer reading program! I'd have done that for the kids too, had I known. We did the library one and they got their free book. I LOVE that they get a free book. Will have to do B&N next year for sure!! :)

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