Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Blake's Class Christmas Play

 I can't say enough about how amazing Blake's teacher is.  Just after Halloween, she started planning for the class's Christmas play.  (The only class in the whole school that does a play.)  Blake was super excited!  When he found out he was going to be a soldier, he got his lines and practiced them, along with the songs daily without even being asked and had them memorized in no time!  I didn't know what to expect with a class of 2nd graders doing a play, but they were AMAZING!
 The kids not only knew their lines and the songs, but they also had little dancing parts, hand motions and knew when and who to pass the microphones to.  Did I say they were AMAZING?!...
 ...and CUTE!  Here is Blake in all of his cuteness, but all of them were super cute in their costumes.
The play was called "Christmas on Candy Cane Lane" and was about compromising.  The whole play rhymed and maybe lasted 20 minutes.  It was perfect for their age and I couldn't be prouder of Blake and his whole class for working hard to make it a wonderful performance.  I am also super thankful for all the work his teacher did to make such a wonderful memory for all us parents (and grandparents) too.  She is truly amazing! (I told you I couldn't say that enough!) ;-)

Here is a little video of Blake's portion of the play.  He speaks first and last after the song:


Cascia Talbert said...

He is adorable! Is bet you were really proud to see him in a play. Have a great week!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

He looks so cute and what a sweet little play. I would have to say I like his teacher too. Keeping the arts in school is important!

mail4rosey said...

It does look like they did a great job, and he is the cutest little solider around. :)

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