*Disclosure: I received a BOX4BLOX to help facilitate my review. I was not compensated for this post in any other way and all opinions are my own.

That's where the BOX4BLOX has become a HUGE help for us! Not only is cleaning up more fun, but finding the little Legos is SO much easier because BOX4BLOX automatically sorts the Legos. We no longer have to dig through the box for hours, or make a huge mess by dumping the Legos on the floor, to find the right one.
Blake also seems to enjoy making his own creations more now. He usually enlists my help while following directions to make what came with the set, but when I'm not available he makes all sorts of random fun things. Since we've had the BOX4BLOX, he can find what he wants and has really taken off with his own creations!
Take a second to watch the video to see how the BOX4BLOX works:
If you watched the video, you notice that they say to try to put the smaller pieces through first and leave the large ones for last. We discovered that this part is very important if you want it to sort correctly, because the large pieces keep the smaller ones from being sorted. I'd have to say this was the only downfall of the BOX4BLOX, because I never think that much when I'm cleaning. LOL! The video also mentions you can tip and shake it here and there to help the smaller pieces make it to their destinations...a big help when you're not paying attention to those bigger pieces while cleaning. :-)
I highly recommend BOX4BLOX to anyone who wants to save time and energy cleaning up and building with Legos! :-)
Buy it!: BOX4BLOX can be purchased on amazon.com for $39.95 with FREE Super Saver Shipping.
Congrats to comment #10, noreen!
One of my readers is going to win their very own BOX4BLOX!
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Open to U.S. residents 18 years and older. Giveaway will end Wednesday, August 7th, 2013 at 11:59 EST. Winner will be chosen shortly after and contacted via e-mail. The winner will have 48 hours to respond otherwise I will have to choose a new winner.
Open to U.S. residents 18 years and older. Giveaway will end Wednesday, August 7th, 2013 at 11:59 EST. Winner will be chosen shortly after and contacted via e-mail. The winner will have 48 hours to respond otherwise I will have to choose a new winner.
8 years old wild child of my friends but give him legos & he takes off building!!
rierie11booger (@) yahoo.com
My Lego lover is creating daily now (a fairly new thing) and he's getting really good at it, but he's not so good at cleaning up the resulting mess. ;)
I like them on Twitter (mail4rosey).
My son loves Legos. He has a few set and is now getting better at taking care of them. He wants the Train Lego set for his birthday.
I Follow @Box4Blox on twitter.(Kellydinpa)
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My two daughters are huge Lego fans and have too many, lol
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Nor_lou hotmail.com
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my 13 yr old <3 to build with legos
My youngest son absolutely loves all things LEGO. Problem is he's 23 and now, he's gotten his daughter hooked too. If I won, these would be for her :)
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2 boys
My son loves Legos! He's 11 and still loves them ,my girls are starting to follow after him,natbelinsky@verizon.net
My lego lover is my daughter--crazy for legos. thesimplyblogs @ gmail. Com
Liked Box4Blox on FB. thesimplyblogs @ gmail. Com
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My 5 yr old loves Legos.
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
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ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
GFC follower hhkaufman78
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heather kaufman
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
I'm an email subscriber. thankyou, ken pohl19@comcast.net
My nephew is the lego lover in my life.
My grandson loves legos but they do get lost or thrown about. I think each set should come with a storage set.
Kenzie loves Legos and just got the new Zoo set!
I follow Box4Blox on twitter @babypyo
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My 8 year old son loves lego and daddy too.
gael727 at gmail dot cm
My 5 year old son loves Legos....almost as much as his daddy! They love to build together.
I follow you on twitter @childrensnook
I follow box4blox on twitter @childrensnook
I have two granddaughters who love to build with the legos, and they like most all kids, hate to clean them up and me grandmom, hates walking on them when I am barefooted, I remember years ago me throwing out my sons legos that were left on the floor and now I wish I had kept them, perhaps if they had this box they will pick them up and prevent grandmom hurting her tender old feet..lol
Elijah is my little lego man.
I liked blox on FB. Sarah Bjo
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I follow you on twitter. @skpowers3
My son would love this.
My daughter and son love legos
fmd518 at gmail dot com
My grandson and he so needs this box I would love to win ,it is going on birthday gift list.
I have 3 grandchildren living with me, ages 5, 4, and 2. We can use this.
hoffat at gmail dot com
My students love Legos and always make a mess in the classroom. This would really help with organization and quick clean up.
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My nephew loves to play with Legos, he has so many sets! This would be great for him to try to stay organized with them, thanks for the chance!
I like Box4Blox on Facebook. Username is Carmen S.
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We have 14 grandchildren, all but 3 of them are old enough to play with Legos. It is THE FIRST thing they get out every time they come to visit & they play with them for hours! I saved all of our 4 children's legos from when they were small!
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My son and daughter both love Legos, but my son has had much longer to collect a HUGE amount of them. We store them in a big plastic storage container, but he has to dump the whole thing out frequently to find certain pieces. Ugh. Thanks for the great giveaway; This would solve our problem.
I like Box4Blox on Facebook as Holly Storm-Burge
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My son is a Lego lover ,loves loves his Lego he's 11 natbelinsky@verizon.nrt
My 4 little granddaughters love playing legos!
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Our whole family are Lego lovers!
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
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My son, Austin, is my Lego Lover! His 2 year old sister is starting to enjoy the bigger Lego's as well!
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Our little one, loves legos, she will sit for hours and play. But there are always little extra ones that bruise the bottom of your feet if you step on them. I love this box to hold them, such a great invention. Thanks for the chance.
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My nephew loves legos! eclairre(AT)ymail(DOT)com
A 4-year-old future engineer or architect. This product looks awesome....my poor feet cannot handle stepping on any more legos or blocks.
My 7 year old daughter and 5 year old brother both enjoy building together.
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suziesweeps at yahoo dot com
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My daughter is a great Lego builder and is trying to teach her little brother how to play with the Legos.
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My nephews are absolutely obsessed with Legos and are constantly building with them! They would appreciate this so much!
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