Thursday, October 15, 2009

Homemade Tambourine

This is another fun activity I found to do with the Morgan and Blake from I gave them each two paper plates to color and put stickers on. (They were super excited about being able to use stickers, so the tambourines were full of stickers!) When they were done decorating, I had the kids put some beans in one plate, then I put the other plate on top and stapled them together. Viola! A tambourine!

Here are some pics of the kids decorating their tambourines then jumping up and down as they played them. (Please excuse the kids' attire. It was first thing in the morning before the kids were dressed. Plus Blake was in the middle of potty training, so he had no pants on.)

They loved their tambourines and played hard with them! Blake's tambourine was ruined within minutes, but I had them use the cheapest plates we had. I hope to do this again and use sturdier plates, which will be easier to decorate and will hopefully last a bit longer! :-)


Alexis AKA MOM said...

Look at you sweetie that is the coolest idea. Really your an awesome mom!

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

So cute!!! Great idea!

Brimful Curiosities said...

My kids would love making their own musical instrument. Neat idea!

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